Herbals and Botanicals
What are herbal or botanical supplements?
Botanical dietary supplements, sometimes called herbals or herbal dietary supplements, are products made from plants, plant parts, or plant extracts. They are meant to be consumed and contain one or more ingredients meant to supplement the diet.
Botanical Dietary Supplements - Background Information
What is a botanical?
A botanical is a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal or therapeutic properties, flavor, and/or scent. Herbs are a subset of botanicals. Products made from botanicals that are used to maintain or improve health are sometimes called herbal products, botanical products, or phytomedicines.
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Herbal supplements: What to know before you buy
Echinacea to prevent colds. Ginkgo to improve memory. Herbal remedies aren't new — plants have been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.
But herbal supplements generally haven't received the same scientific scrutiny and aren't as strictly regulated as medications.
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What are some common herbal supplements and their uses?
Read the Cleveland Clinic article here